Frankenschau aktuell - Beitrag zur elektronischen Patient*innenakte

vom 16.12.2024

Beitrag vom BR im Rahmen der Frankenschau ab 13:05 min. zur elektronischen Patient*innenakte. 

Interviews mit Oliver, Dr. Weiß und Manfred Schmidt (Fachvorstand AIDS-Hilfe Nürnberg-Erlangen-Fürth e.V.)

About us

In 1985 AIDS-Hilfe Nürnberg-Erlangen-Fürth e.V. was founded as a self-help organization by volunteers and people with HIV.

Our work focuses on:

  • to support and assist people living with HIV and Aids
  • prevention work especially for groups affected by HIV and
  • therefore to offer counseling and testing possibilites on HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • to inform general population about HIV & STIs
  • to improve socialpolitical environment